The Swim

This is probably the most challenging part of triathlon for most people. Swimming is definitely one of those activities in which it helps to have an instructor, as you lose proprioception in the water. Proprio-What?! Basically, you lose the sense of orienting yourself in space. So you may feel like you’re doing one thing, but actually may be doing something completely different. Hopefully, those who can, have taken advantage of the VQ swim clinic and the VQ private swim lessons to find help with their stroke.

For those of you unable to seize those opportunities, we’ve attached 2 videos. One that breaks down the stroke and offers a couple of drills to help improve your stroke and then a second video, which shows some of the common stroke mistakes to avoid.

This is really a far cry to getting private lessons, but can offer some good instruction and awareness.

Watch the first video through, take some notes. Then, each time you go to the pool, review the notes and pick ONE THING to work on at a time. Every swim session should include a section of drills and time being mindful of your stroke. If you feel your stroke slipping because you’re fatigued or distracted, STOP, rest and start again with a singular focus.

In swimming, good technique = speed. So no sense just working on your pace without stroke work. That being said, as with running, when we swim fast, our stroke tends to get more efficient. So, it’s good to include a few good sprints, with recovery, in your swim workouts too. This will create muscle memory of that good form, and train your physiology at the same time.

Click on the links below for videos:

Freestyle Basics & Drills

Common Mistakes