May 30th 8:00am Ride Notes

Ride Overview: This is a race simulation ride.

The ride starts with a ten minute warm up

First three intervals : Get up to 100% in the first minute, then 110-120% on the second minute of the first interval

The fourth and fifth intervals are 8 minutes. The fourth interval has the first two minutes at 85% (PE 7) the rest of the interval is at 95%. (PE 8-8.5). The fifth interval offers two different efforts: you choose either Dave or Adam and follow along. Make sure your sound is up during the fifth interval to hear your directions from Dave and Adam.

The sixth interval uses graduated increases in effort over the course of 5.5 minutes. The efforts are 2 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute with a 30 second sprint to finish.

There are 4 minute recovery sets in between each interval.

Check your average power and your normalized power at the end of the ride. Where did you spend most of your time during this ride?