March 26th 10am Ride Notes

Cadence Attack- We are going to stretch our boundaries as it relates to cadence percentages. Practicing Higher RPM while maintaining power. This workout builds on top of each effort.

  • The ride starts with an easy warm up.
  • Try to match your power with the graphics on the screen.
  • For those that have a not so smart trainer, learn what gears yield you what power. Use the warm up to get yourself comfortable on power output and RPMs.

Things to Remember:

  • Quick review of the screen:

    • Look at the bottom of the screen and you will notice the length of the workout in time.

    • And over to the right you will see the next step that is coming up.

    • Top Left-Green writing shows current effort.

    • Top Right of the screen-Yellow writing shows what is coming.

    • Red line from left to right along the bottom right provides the baseline as 100%. So anything, from the course efforts, above that line indicates more than 100%.

  • During the effort, go through your checklist:

    • Relax the shoulders

    • Relax your hands

    • Check in with your pedal stroke:

      • Are your strokes even, smooth and round?

  • During recovery periods

    • Get a drink

    • Stretch a bit

    • Towel off

Three types of athletes in these classes:

  1. No Data athletes - Please use perceived exertion... We are also going to try to count your cadence by counting the strokes on one leg for six seconds, then adding a zero to that number.

  2. Athletes with non-smart trainers

    1. Shifting impacts cadence and power

    2. Going to a harder gear increases power and slows cadence or RPM

    3. Try to dial in your power or PE as you start each interval.

    4. Keep cadence above 90 RPM

  3. Athletes with a lot of data- You are able to adjust and respond to the workouts based on your data feedback. This makes training a lot easier.

If you need any help modifying these workouts to fit the type of trainer you have available to you, please reach out to us and we would be happy to help.

Also...Did you know Snizap is actually a word? Dave didn’t just make this up!

And….Dave’s Flashback to Real Rides DVD production-One day Robbie called me and asked me to meet him at a given location with 4 power taps. I thought it was my big day….little did I know that I was just a PA for that day. It took me 8 years to finally make it on the screen. I had the ride of a life since RV wouldn’t let us “edit” the numbers so we had to hit all of the data that is on the screen. I was wishing I could be a Production Assistant again! I suggest you download these workouts. They give you real life experiences. Shifting is live and in color. It really does help your riding. If you don’t have a smart trainer, the DVD workouts have a great intro section that help you figure out what to do.