July 21st 8:00am Ride Notes


  • 3 minute intervals - This is the best duration for building VO2 Max. Three minute intervals are known to have the greatest impact on our VO2. This is what I recommend as a default workout 3 minutes on 6-8 minutes off.
  • The other type of VO2 intervals that seem to work well are short bursts followed by short recoveries: 30x30.
  • How do you know what level to do your intervals at? Keep the sound on to hear Robbie’s explanation of how to figure out your ideal effort level for 3 minute intervals. The 10 minute warm up is filled with great info on blood lactate. Robbie helps us understand how hard to go based on physiology.
  • We like to do anywhere between 12-20 minutes of VO2 work during our VO2 workouts.
  • Folks with more lactic tolerance can do less high intensity than those with a lower tolerance. The higher the tolerance, the more damage that can be done or the less volume you can do. It is a negative correlation.
  • *If you look at your five minute all time max power you can go slightly lower than this- 5-10 percent.

Ride Overview

Ten minute warm up.

The first effort is a three minute @110% anchor set that we are using to help inform the level of the rest of the intervals. This creates a reference for the subsequent sets.

Six minute recovery.

The second effort The last 20 seconds are at your goal power so start lower and then ramp up over the three minutes. The halfway point (1:30 into the interval you should be at 105% of your total)

Six minute recovery

The third effort is at with 90 RPM

Six minute recovery

The fourth effort keeps the same power with increasing 60 RPM for the first minute, 70 RPM for the second minute, 80 RPM for the third minute. (or 70,80,90)

Six minute recovery

The fifth effort helps to practice getting in and out of the seat by gearing up and gearing down as you get up and out of the seat. Smooth, effortless and steady while keeping the same power (or somewhat close). It is natural for power to increase as you get out of your seat but try to keep it in control.

Six minute recovery holds back a little for the first two minutes. This is just a straightforward effort ramping up during the last minute.