April 30th 8:00am with Robbie

Ride Overview: This is one of Robbie’s favorite workouts for his athletes when doing fatigued anaerobic threshold work.

First set - The Fatigue Set includes 2- 30 (120-130%) intervals with 30 seconds of recovery on the first effort. The 2nd 30-second interval is followed by a steady-state effort at 85% for 15 minutes. (Even if you feel like you can do 100%, keep it at 85%...nice and easy) (Fatigue Set)

Second set - The Drizzle ignores the first two intervals and starts the effort at the 15-minute interval mark at 90%. This provides a steady drain of our effort.

Third set - The Choice- Depending on how you felt during the second interval, you can approach the third interval in one of three ways depending on what is on your schedule over the next few days:

  • 1.Just like the first interval
  • 2. Just like the second interval
  • 3. A combo - pour it in through the two 30 second hitters and go a bit harder during the 15 min AT set

Fun thoughts: Cost...What is causing pain?….It is the hydrogen and the phosphates which are brought on by the blood lactate. Knowing your blood lactate at certain intensities allows you to adjust intensity based on your goals…