April 19 Cruzin' with VQ Notes

Dr. Phil Skiba

W-Prime Training- Why do people have different responses to various intensities.

Dr. Skiba freely shares his research and equations and wants others to improve what he has discovered. Groundwork for W-Prime started in 1924 with the first equations surfacing in the 1950s. Dr. Skiba views his work as the next step in this evolution. Dr. Skiba tests everyone from Kenyan athletes to elderly ladies who are awaiting lung surgery.

Recently, Dr. Skiba has been putting aside his sports medicine practice and helping with the COVID health care.

Ideas on Leaning In:

As a young boy, Dr. Skiba was often taken into the cab of the local fire engine. Coming from generations of volunteer firefighters, Dr. Skiba was taught to run toward the fire, instead of away from the fire, at a very young age. According to Dr. Skiba bravery is not the absence of fear. It is doing what is needed despite that fear. It is not about being a hero but about being smart, taking precaution, and taking care of those who need it.

What do we need to do to open the country?

Dr. Skiba thinks we need to have testing on every corner.

Why the affiliation with England?

Dr. Skiba has always loved Sir Issac Newton...This brought him to his love of England. Although he wasn’t able to study abroad, due to the demands and requirements of medical school, he was able to connect with The University of Exeter. This shared love of math and physiology created a beautiful partnership between Dr. Skiba and the team of Exeter. Once this project got some momentum, Nike reached out and this started the Breaking 2 Project.

Most athletes succeed in spite of their training not because of it. Understanding the physiology of the individual athlete is critical. It is not something that can be a Shake and Bake formula applied to all athletes. Science can be intimidating to coaches since not all coaches understand it. It should be used as a tool and not to replace coaches. The use of data creates an accountability to review and assess each workout in detail.

Breaking 2- Working with Nike was an incredible project. What is possible when you bring five great minds together to create the science to beat the 2 minute time cut. We focused on aerodynamics, shoes, nitrates. It is a tribute to teamwork.

Make sure to turn up the volume to hear all about Dr. Skiba’s Breaking 2 experience. You will not want to miss this!